Saturday 29 December 2012

Exam da dekat!!!!!!

Assalamualiakum w.b.t semua !!!  ape khbr??harap2 sihat sokmo ea...sblm smbng study nie ..nak menaip jap...hehehe..exam nok dekat doh nie..bnyok lg xstudy..Ya Allah...bantulah hambamu ini..:(..
       Disempatan ini sy ingin memohon maaf kpd kamu semua..mak tercinta ,abah tersayang,adik-beradik yang dikasihi semua..kawan2 yg dirindui dan juga dia..hehehe..maafkan saya dan doakan sy ea,,,bg kawan seperjuangan sama ada di Usim,Unisza,Ukm, Um, dan bnyak la..guck luck ea..teruskan usaha anda.."GOMO KITO GOMO" hahaha...especially to my best frenzss..syuhada,syahira,ain,aina,ruby,raby,dayah...aida_muhaida mengucapkan selamat menjawap peperiksaan nanti deh..jawap molek....
kepada kwn2 lain yg xambk perikso 2 doa2 la ko sy etep..hehehe

setiap kali menjawap peperiksaan mulakan dgn al-fatihah..:)

best wishes to you All...^_^

:(..Ya Allah..permudahkan urusanku dlm menerima ilmu...wahai sygku madkal n sygku ( Law) senangkanlah untuk sy faham n ingt kamu..hahaha...antara subjet susah..iaitu madkal ila alfiqh wal fatawa n malaysia legal system.....

usaha+ doa+ tawakkal......
Allah berfirman:
"Berdoalah kepadaku nescaya akan ku perkenankan kepadamu"
so,banyakkan berdoa..
moga dipermudahkan urusan dalam menjawap peperiksaan...amin..
in Shaa Allah..semua akan berjaya..
ok..da siap menaip...
nk smbg study plop...
Assalamualaikum semua...
bittaufiq wa najah...

Sunday 23 December 2012

Minggu study week..jom study!!!!! in sha Allah...

      Jom mulakan study dengan doa..moga diberi kefahaman tentang ilmu dan diberi keberkatan oleh Allah sha Allah..

                Mulakan dengan kalimah suci ini  Bismillahirahmannirahim...Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasih...

     Surah Alfatihah~ doa pembuka segala urusan..semoga urusan kita berjalan lancar dan sha Allah..:)

Surah al'alak (ayat 1-5 ) :doa untuk kunci segala ilmu...iqra' ...semoga mudah mendapat dan menerima ilmu...amin..=)

selawat keatas Nabi Muhammad..Antara doa penerang hati..

“Ya Allah restulah dan sejahterakanlah junjugan kami Muhammad hambamu dan pesuruhmu yang ummi dan di atas keluarga dan sahabat baginda semuanya.”

   Surah Al-Syarh : Untuk melapangkan dada dan legakan hati..

Doa supaya menjadi pakar dalam sesuatu perkara...

" Ya Allah, terangkan hatiku seperti terangnya hati-hati orang Arif, fahami aku perkara agama ku...."

                                          ...Rabbi zidnii 'ilman warzuqni fahman... 

Doa Mohon Ditambahkan Ilmu dan Kefahaman...'Ya Tuhanku, tambahkanlah kepadaku ilmu dan berikanlah kefahaman (pengertian  yang baikdan fahaman)

Allahummarzuqna ya Rabbi fahman-nabiyin, wa-hifzal-mursalin, wa-ilhamal-mala-ikatil-muqarrabin fi-afiatin ya

“Ya Allah! Kurniakanlah kami fahaman para nabidan hafalan para rasul serta mendapat ilham para malaikat yang hampir denganMu juga kurniakanlah kami kesihatan wahai Yang Amat Mengasihani.”

Rabbisy rahli sadri wa yassirli amri wahlul ‘uqdatan min lisani yafqahu qauli.

“Ya Allah! Lapangkanlah dadaku, mudahkanlah pekerjaanku (urusanku) dan lancarkanlah lidahku agar mereka faham pembicaraanku.”

Radiitu billahi rabba, wabii islaami diina, wabi muhammadin sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallaam nabiyan wa rasulla.

Telah bersabda Rasul: Barangsiapa yang berkata ketika petang (zikir yang tersebut) Allah tetap akan meredhakannya (Riwayat Tarmizi)

(Nasihat dari Ustaz Syed Abdillah Al Jufri)

Ya Allah Ya Allah. Wahai Pembuka segala ilmu. Wahai Yang Maha Mengetahui segala ilmu. Ya Allah engkau bukakanlah pintu hati kami dengan pembukaan yang sepenuhnya.”

(Nasihat oleh Ustaz T.M. Fouzy Jumat)

Thursday 20 December 2012

Miss kelantan so much!!!!!

      Assalamualaikum w.b.t...ya Allah...can't wait to back to my hometown...miss my family so much!!!mak ,abah, k.long,k.ngah, k.cik, k.lang, abe, ,abe mat ,k.mah, abe mi., and the last adik musyahidah..:)
 mak with kak ngah

<----kek it so much2...:)

 <---(kueh lopak tike)one of famous  food in kelantan...have been long time i didn't it this food...:(

pulut bakar....

mak and my siblings..^_^

 my beloved abah..:)

HONEST !!!!!


I n every relationships need to be honest with each other or with partner . It is because the honest is the key to be happy ,cheerful and understanding each other in the relationship. In my opinion , it is not possible to be 100% honest in the relationship. Sometimes and in the curtain part we need to liar or not to be 100% honest with the partner in order to keep our partner feeling and  their heart. So,the relationship will become more strong.

But, for parent we should be 100% honest because they are important person in our life. Beside that,they are our guardian from child till grow up .If we have any problem and any matter just tell them honestly because they might be understand and can help us in order to solve the problem.
After that, in relationship of friendship it is also possible to be 100 % honest because there have friend that can step back us. So we need to be more careful  in our friendship. If the friend is our best friend we can be honest with them because they are the person that we trust but we can be 100% honest. We also need to keep secret or hide something that can be  personal thing for us. So, because of that not all of the thing we can share with friends. Conclusion., no all of things we can share with the people so it is possible to be 100% honest in the relationship.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

How do you think the internet can influence a song's popularity???
      Today,  most people likes to listen song whenever it is in radio or internet. But in the in the internet is influence people the most to listen music . This is because people likes use internet than radio so,it will make  the song in the internet will be more popular than in radio. I think the internet can influence a song's popularity it is because the things that put in internet will spread  widely to the  user of internet. Beside that, we can look now, many of singer become famous through the internet. So,it can show that the internet can influence a song's popularity. Then, when people like any songs , they will share in internet  social network like blog , you tube , face book , and many more. Because of that,the song will becomes more popular through the internet. The people are always used or update in internet everyday .Then they can download the song that they like most. More people like to download the song,the song will be more popular and can be known around the world like the song of Justin Bible, Kelly Clarkson and many other.